F. A. Q.

Here we added few answer of frequently asked questions by our clients.
if you want to know something is not listed here, just contact us.

What Inspium Digital Do?
Can I use Product by Inspium Digital for my client?
Do you provide documentation and support?
How long do I have support access?
What is the refund policy of Elitepath Software?
Can your Products be used in different languages? Even RTL?
Can I modify the source code?
Do your Products work with mobile devices?
Do you have an affiliate/referral program?
Do you provide customization on your Products?
Which Web Hosting will better for me?
What is cPanel Based Hosting ?
Is there a way to test your Scripts before I Purchase?
I have opened a support ticket. How long do I have to wait?
Is your Item works with Shared Hosting?
Do you  encode or encrypt the source code?
How do I get in touch with you?